Welcome to GoLocalDuluth


GoLocalDuluth is the online directory that helps connect Duluth residents and visitors to all the local businesses and services – the digital bridge between consumers and the local businesses that make up our local economy.

At GoLocalDuluth.com we believe in community and supporting local business. Our easy-to-use website has a decent and growing list of Duluth’s best places, from cozy coffee shops and skilled tradesmen to new tech startups and service providers.

For local business owners, GoLocalDuluth is the opportunity to showcase your business to a targeted local audience. By creating a profile on our platform you get visibility to consumers looking for products and services in the Duluth area. Add promotions or coupons to attract new customers and reward repeat business all without the hassle of complex marketing or expensive advertising.

Duluth residents and visitors get ready to explore locally. Whether you’re looking for a plumber, a unique gift shop, or the perfect place for your next family dinner GoLocalDuluth has the best of our city at your fingertips. Our easy-to-use interface allows you to find the businesses you need with up-to-date information and special offers.

As we grow so does our footprint on the local economy. With each new business that gets added and each consumer that uses us, we get stronger in our community. By choosing to support local businesses through GoLocalDuluth, you’re not just making a purchase – you’re investing in the future of Duluth.

Featured Listing

New Listing

White Glove Car Service

111 S Marquette Ave So Suite 1906, Minneapolis, MN 55401

Get in Touch with Us!

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.